"In one sense there is no death. The life of a soul on earth lasts
beyond departure. You will always feel that life touching yours, that
voice speaking to you. He/She lives on in your life and in the lives of
all others that knew him/her."
- Angelo Patri
- Angelo Patri
Visiting with mom and dad yesterday. I ran over to the DMV for mom to pick up her tags for her car. I was pleasantly surprised they didn't hassle me about it and that it only took about 15 minutes. Longmont still has many 'small town' qualities about it that I miss.
Dad is having more dizzy spells with are more severe and lasting longer. He dropped a glass of water that I managed to catch. He passed out several times during lunch as well.
Taylor called while mom was making lunch and she and I chatted for a while and then she talked with dad - who of course made out like 'except for the dizzy spells' he's fine. Taylor talked with my mom and then I talked with her again and asked if I could call her later.
I wanted her to know that grampy is not doing well at all and is getting worse by the day. She said she kind of figured that out.
I guess the one blessing of dad's imminent passing is that Taylor and I resolved a long standing feud. Although it is a tremendous weight off of my shoulders my heart is still so heavy.
I can't stop crying today. The pills are not helping at all.
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