OKAY, that's not even a question.
I feel an almost immeasurable certainty that the majority of women retain a vast amount of not only fear but actual loathing when it comes to bra shopping.
While I cannot speak for all women I know that many of us dread this chore for a myriad of reasons but specifically because of this phrase: it's been discontinued.
That phrase is enough to strike unequivocal grief into any woman. Why? Because of the toil and work that went into finding a particular bra. If I had boobs that fit into cute little Victoria Secret bras it wouldn't be that much of an issue. Unfortunately God blessed me in that department and whilst my husband is extremely appreciative of the original factor installs I possess, when it comes to buying a new bra I am not so appreciative.
In recent years bra manufacturers have also decided that girls with a blessed chest also need a padded bra. I'm sorry, explain to me, in complete sentences, using words with no more than two syllables, why this is necessary? And yes, there's a stolen movie quote there, extra credit if you can tell me the movie. My boobs are already DD's. No additional padding required!
I am fairly certain I have not purchased a bra that I absolutely loved since the late 90's. I've bought ones I didn't mind but not ones I really loved (I'm looking at you, Vanity Fair). Like most women, I have 'work bras' and 'day off bras'. I've recently discovered that my 'day off bras' have been ........wait for it.......wait for it.....DISCONTINUED. I'm still looking at you, Vanity Fair. I went shopping yesterday for a few new bras. Vanity Fair has come out with a new and improved version of my day off bra and while I'm in semi-retirement that's all I can to wear. Great, I grabbed my size and went in the dressing room with similar styles from other vendors.
Let me start out by saying that I have weighed the same for at least the last five or six years. I know that I've shrunk an inch and that my boobs are a bit softer than they use to be but seriously, it shouldn't make that much of a difference. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL. I go to try the first one on and I seriously thought I had picked up the wrong size. Looked at it again, nope, right size. Wrong. Most of us have been of the opinion, at least with women's clothing that sizes are actually smaller than they appear.
As I work to get this sucker clasped and darn near dislocate my shoulder I can barely get my arms in the straps. I adjust the girls and realize that I'm experiencing what can only be described as torture. I and also experiencing the phenomenon known as quad-boob.

I'm not happy. I try on styles from the other vendors with little to no luck. Even those the bras were 'on sale' I just didn't want to settle. I take my selections back and put them away. I'm walking past the Playtex bras.
Okay, Playtex was the first bra my mother bought me in a tiny ladies shop in Longmont where we grew up. White, boring, with a stitched seam the length of the cup. I always hated them. Always. Why couldn't I have small boobies so I could wear cute little bras with no seams? UGH. I have never purchased a Playtex bra since I got old enough to buy my own bras but I digress. I see my sizes in a cute color. It's padded. I feel it. It's not so padded, still fairly pliable. I take it a lie it next to the one I'm about to put back. It's completely obvious that there is a good inch difference in the band width. I hang up the small one and take the Playtex, in fact, I take two. I'm going to buy these, take them home, and try them on. Why? Well, not only am I sure the other vendors are making smaller bras, I'm also certain the dressing room mirrors make me look much more rounder and dumpier than my mirror at home does. If I'm going to hate a new bra at least I want to look less rounder and dumpier, okay?
I put on the first one today. I did not feel like I was going to dislocate my shoulder clasping the clasp. My arms slid right into the straps. I did not have quad-boob. I just had a bra that actual fit, in the size I have worn for the last several years. I am shocked.
I feel an almost immeasurable certainty that the majority of women retain a vast amount of not only fear but actual loathing when it comes to bra shopping.
While I cannot speak for all women I know that many of us dread this chore for a myriad of reasons but specifically because of this phrase: it's been discontinued.
That phrase is enough to strike unequivocal grief into any woman. Why? Because of the toil and work that went into finding a particular bra. If I had boobs that fit into cute little Victoria Secret bras it wouldn't be that much of an issue. Unfortunately God blessed me in that department and whilst my husband is extremely appreciative of the original factor installs I possess, when it comes to buying a new bra I am not so appreciative.
In recent years bra manufacturers have also decided that girls with a blessed chest also need a padded bra. I'm sorry, explain to me, in complete sentences, using words with no more than two syllables, why this is necessary? And yes, there's a stolen movie quote there, extra credit if you can tell me the movie. My boobs are already DD's. No additional padding required!
I am fairly certain I have not purchased a bra that I absolutely loved since the late 90's. I've bought ones I didn't mind but not ones I really loved (I'm looking at you, Vanity Fair). Like most women, I have 'work bras' and 'day off bras'. I've recently discovered that my 'day off bras' have been ........wait for it.......wait for it.....DISCONTINUED. I'm still looking at you, Vanity Fair. I went shopping yesterday for a few new bras. Vanity Fair has come out with a new and improved version of my day off bra and while I'm in semi-retirement that's all I can to wear. Great, I grabbed my size and went in the dressing room with similar styles from other vendors.
Let me start out by saying that I have weighed the same for at least the last five or six years. I know that I've shrunk an inch and that my boobs are a bit softer than they use to be but seriously, it shouldn't make that much of a difference. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL. I go to try the first one on and I seriously thought I had picked up the wrong size. Looked at it again, nope, right size. Wrong. Most of us have been of the opinion, at least with women's clothing that sizes are actually smaller than they appear.
As I work to get this sucker clasped and darn near dislocate my shoulder I can barely get my arms in the straps. I adjust the girls and realize that I'm experiencing what can only be described as torture. I and also experiencing the phenomenon known as quad-boob.
I'm not happy. I try on styles from the other vendors with little to no luck. Even those the bras were 'on sale' I just didn't want to settle. I take my selections back and put them away. I'm walking past the Playtex bras.
Okay, Playtex was the first bra my mother bought me in a tiny ladies shop in Longmont where we grew up. White, boring, with a stitched seam the length of the cup. I always hated them. Always. Why couldn't I have small boobies so I could wear cute little bras with no seams? UGH. I have never purchased a Playtex bra since I got old enough to buy my own bras but I digress. I see my sizes in a cute color. It's padded. I feel it. It's not so padded, still fairly pliable. I take it a lie it next to the one I'm about to put back. It's completely obvious that there is a good inch difference in the band width. I hang up the small one and take the Playtex, in fact, I take two. I'm going to buy these, take them home, and try them on. Why? Well, not only am I sure the other vendors are making smaller bras, I'm also certain the dressing room mirrors make me look much more rounder and dumpier than my mirror at home does. If I'm going to hate a new bra at least I want to look less rounder and dumpier, okay?
I put on the first one today. I did not feel like I was going to dislocate my shoulder clasping the clasp. My arms slid right into the straps. I did not have quad-boob. I just had a bra that actual fit, in the size I have worn for the last several years. I am shocked.
I feel like I should go back and buy them out of my size because when I go back next year I'm sure they will be........wait for it............wait for it.............
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