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Showing posts from January, 2009

We're Adopting!!!!

This is the little lady I'm trying to adopt. Her name is Mitsy and I get to meet her on Sunday! I'm so excited! I cannot believe that Warren acquiesced! Wheeeeeeeeee!!! She is a Shih Tzu. My first love is a Lhasa Apso but they seem really hard to come by. I am working with Colorado Shih Tzu and Maltese Rescue. My girlfriend, Kim, does Mastiff Rescue. She pointed me in the right direction. Miss Mitsy was in a puppy mill. :( She is 3 years old, just got spayed, got all her shots, her teeth cleaned, and is recovering from kennel cough. She should be done with those treatments next week. With any luck we can bring her home. Obviously it depends on whether or not she is 'the one'. The foster mom has 5 dogs. Who knows? Someone else could steal my heart. Other than that, everyone else in the house is SICK! They have the coughing crud, bordering on bronchitis. Warren is even going to the doctor tomorrow........that's how bad it is. I can only hope I don't ...


For some reason I've been thinking about people from my past lately. I'm sure it's a rather melancholy thing we are all want to do from time to time. I was doing a bit of 'stalking' on my space, just to see what a former friends former boyfriend was up to. Jodi sort of went off the deep end in about 2003, left her husband of nearly 20 years, hooked up with an old high school flame. The got together, broke up, got together, broke up, etc, until she finally turned up pregnant at the age of about 40 ish something. OUCH. Well, she stopped speaking to me and I guess I wonder what she's up to. I wonder a lot about Simon, too. The way he just 'disappeared' still bothers me. But, in being realistic, had he not just vanished, I wouldn't be where I am today. So, I guess I should thank him, not just for leaving, but for the years we spent together. I know that it was all just a journey, incredible at times, but a journey to lead me to where I am now.

Shopping Frustration

We went out last night with the intent of buying a camera for Hayley. The evening started off well enough. We went to Senior Ric's for some good Sangria's and mexican food. It was early enough that the Saturday night crowd hadn't overwhelmed the place yet. We were going to go to Target afterward to get Hayley a birthday present and of course, this that and the other, as is what usually happens. We made our way through the store over to the camera section. Now, we weren't planning on buying anything horribly expensive. They had several listed for $99 and one listed for $79. The were out of everything. Girlfriend at the camera counter was less than helpful. Now, I understand that the camera's on display are attached and they can't be removed. Why couldn't they put a temporarily out of stock sign on them? Well, after complaining to the store manager we headed off to Office Max (or Depot) I can never keep them straight. We found one, pulled the tag and ...

No Witty Title Here

I'm not even sure I have anything witty to say. We had a really lovely morning, nice and quiet and relaxing. We had to take Hayley to get science project supplies and then stopped for lunch at Johnny Carino's. Hayley begged and pleaded for us to take her to the movies. We ended up seeing Marley and Me. It was a fabulously lighthearted, feel good movie....up until the last 20 minutes or so. It was just a bit too emotional for me, at least. Five tissues, at least. I'm still heart palpitating on a daily basis, although not as much as I did the first week. I'll have to get back to you on other stuff, because, quite frankly, I just can't think of anything to write.
So I visited the cardiologist today. This is really frustrating. It's like no one believes me because my blood pressure and heart beat are statistically fine, except no one wants to believe that I am having chest pains and heart palpitations. We'll schedule you for a stress test and echocardiogram in 3 weeks. Nice. Until then we'll give you a heart monitor. Every time you feel something press this button, and better yet, you get to keep a journal of when/where/what so that after you press the button 5 times, you get to call it in. Every time you press the button, it buzzes for one minute. This is going to go over really well at work. The little sticky electrode things are suppose to make my skin raw......that'll be fun, don't you think. After the pepper dinner disaster last night, Warren went to the man cave and didn't emerge until he left for work this morning. I've not heard hide nor hair from him today, although I do know he has class. I'm mak...
All of this medical stuff is making me an emotional wreck. I called the cardiologists today to make an appointment and I find out that the ER doc didn't mention the stress test in his 'release notes'. I also found out that this guy was a D.O. (doctor of osteopathy). Boy did that give me some comfort. Not. I also found out that since he didn't write it in the notes, I can't get the stress test since the insurance company won't cover it. There's a shocker. So, the lovely lady I was speaking to said to go ahead and make an appointment and there could be a good chance the cardiologist would go ahead and order the test anyway, thus being covered by the insurance. I'm certainly not trying to buy problems here, but I know something is not right. I can feel it. I'd like an answer one way or the other. Hayley has been a trouper through this whole thing. She even brought me breakfast in bed yesterday. I haven't told Taylor yet so I imagine she...

January 2009

Not really off to an auspicious start this year. I spent New Year's Day in the ER with chest pains. Going to the ER is sort of like taking your car to the mechanic. It works fine the moment you get it in the repair shop and starts clunking the moment your get it home. Same issue with ER's. I had an EKG, all sorts of blood work - no heart attack or blood clots. The doctor said he 'could' keep me over night and they could do a stress test in the morning. He didn't say I 'should'. So I opted for home. I should have opted to stay. Bed rest sucks, the test would have been done. Unfortunately, the b/f didn't speak up and say anything and has gone from overbearing coddling to the far away you've got cooties attitude....or so it seems. On top of all of alcohol, caffine or nicotine. Which would have been fine because I had really had myself set up to quit smoking this weekend. It didn't quite happen but I'm close. I've r...